Student Enquiry


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Our school seeks to expand the world’s understanding of yoga through an education and training that are steeped in the vedic tradition – the original roots of yoga – and a long lineage of masters while making yoga accessible and applicable for modern day use for people of all ages, abilities, cultures and religions. Through a comprehensive and multi-dimensional science based education, our school’s programs teach about and integrate all paths of yoga including Hatha yoga (effort), Raja yoga (effortless, royal) Gyana yoga (wisdom), Karma yoga (service & action), Bhakti yoga (love & devotion) and more. The primary elements of our training are asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing techniques), meditation and the experience and application of yoga beyond the yoga mat. Program graduates undergo our rigorous training and are equipped with a deep and personal understanding and experience of yoga that enables them to bring these different dimensions of yoga to their students.


Yoga education helps in self discipline and sel-control, leading to immense amount of awareness, concentration and higher level of consciousness. Briefly the aims and objectives of Yoga education are:
1) To enable the student to have good health.
2) To practice mental hygiene.
3) To possess emotional stability.
4) To integrate moral values.
5) To attain higher level of consciousness.


                     “Yoga means addition – addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul.”



Sr. no. Course Name Duration
1 Yoga Teacher 12 Months
2 Yoga Instructor 12 Months